Thursday 26 August 2010

Courtesy & Etiquette

These two words have taken a severe beating over the past decade as the human race becomes more and more selfish. Don’t get me wrong there are people out there who believe in good manners and common courtesy and act on it, myself included, which is why I guess I get quite annoyed when others don’t show the same courtesy or etiquette. Is it the way they have been raised? Or have they just become complacent and decided that the world and everyone and everything on it can just get out of their way?

This morning I was driving into my work’s car park, there was a work colleague driving behind me, I know her to see, but it’s a big building and you can’t know everyone by name. Now our car park has a sort of one way system, where you have a no entry on the left, drive straight up - there are parking spaces to the left and right of that straight - and at the end you can choose to go left in a circle to the no entry or right towards the dead end where there are more parking spaces. Granted it would be better if you could turn immediate left as you come through the gate then do a right and right circle with the option to continue right and exit or go straight ahead, this would also make sense for exiting the car park as you would not be exiting on to on coming traffic in to the car park,

Now, this morning, as I past the gate I clocked a space on the left, but as that is a no entry and there was a car behind me I did what any driver should do, common courtesy, driver’s etiquette, I drove straight up and turned left at the top of the car park to head to that no entry, but the car behind me cut in to the no entry and took the space. I was fuming, the bloody cheek of her! There was a space right across from where she parked, so I took the second space, but I still can’t help but be annoyed at the sheer lack of social courteousness in this person.

Similar situations happen in car parks all over the world and it shouldn’t; giving way for someone, helping them etc. should be first, if you want someone to go in front of you in a queue you offer them your place, if they want it for whatever reason then they should ask. In some situations it’s a first come first served, you see a car in front then they get first pick on an available space, if they drive past and another car is coming out then fair pickings but come on people show some good manners and remember you’ll get an equal measure of courtesy in return.


Well I nipped out at lunch time to do a message. As I returned to the car park, following the same route as before I parked my car in a different spot, just as I was switching off the engine, the woman from this morning’s fury drove in, and guess what? She did the same thing, cut across the no entry and took the space next to me. On well I guess some people never learn.